What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home Blog

What is Brocante & Why is it Popular?

What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home Blog

We all love “Brocante” even though we may not know what it means.  “Brocante” means Second Hand  in French!  In the USA we call it Vintage, Shabby Chic or Repurposed if it is referring to home decor.

What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogThe idea of French Brocante is a more romantic term for using vintage pieces to decorate out homes. Found objects which are used in unusual ways bring a certain mystery and whimsy to any home.What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogMany Brocante themed interiors are primarily white or grey.  Furniture is usually painted in whites, creams and beiges.  Or often it is grey from age and nature.  What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogRusty cages and baskets are repurposed as treasured accents.What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home Blog

What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home Blog
See more brocante on www.vintageamericanhome.com

Second hand shops in France are called Brocante.  It sure sounds better in French doesn’t it?What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogMaybe it’s the way the old pieces are displayed?What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogOld never looked so good.What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogThe cosmopolitan French serve their wine on Brocante.The French Brocante look isn’t limited to the interior of a home.What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogWhat is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogWhat is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogFood served from Brocante just tastes better.What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogWhat is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogWhat is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogShould we rename our shop to Brocante American Home?What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogWhat is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogWhat is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogWhat is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogWhat is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home BlogNew uses for old Brocante cages.What is Brocante & why is it so popular? Vintage American Home Blog



8 responses to “What is Brocante & Why is it Popular?”

  1. Val Avatar

    Love love love all your goodies, do you ship to Australia?

    1. Janice Avatar

      Hi Val, Thanks ! I am not sure how to do it. I have to check with someone. You could try to order it and see if it calculates shipping. You can cancel orders at the end but we could see if it will work. I can also combine things together to make the package smaller. Give it a try! Thanks Janice

  2. Olivia Avatar

    Hi Janice,
    This is such a great article. It’s beautifully informative! I love your beautiful photos. I’m a co-hostess at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. We would love to have you link this post up with the party. It goes live Wednesday evening at 7 p.m MST.

    Reinvented Collection

    1. Janice Avatar

      HI Olivia, Can you email me the details – janicebuck13@gmail.com

  3. Marcella Parravicini Avatar

    I’ll share this on my Facebook page! Well explained!

    1. Janice Avatar

      Thanks alot Marcella!

  4. joan connor Avatar
    joan connor

    Hi Janice…absolutely loved this…I have a Brocante shop in Bristol UK and I am very lucky to be able to nip across the channel to find some treasures but have never had your ability to put it so romantically…good job

  5. Tidy House Avatar

    I learned a lot! I do love vintage styles and I’m planning to add more decor w/c has a vintage touch.

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